Ayush Jain

I am second year Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence) Ph.D. candidate with Prof. Doina Precup in Reasoning and Learning Lab (RLLab) at McGill University and Mila, Montreal, Canada.

I did my Masters in Computer Science at McGill University and Mila, where I was advised by Doina Precup. Prior to my doctoral studies, I worked as Machine Learning Researcher at Sportlogiq with Norm Ferns. I was a software dev at Adobe Systems before I started my graduate studies.

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I am broadly interested in artificial intelligence and reinforcement learning. My research focuses towards designing principled reinforcement learning algorithms that are able to leverage structure, discover abstractions, and generalize across environments. I want to be able to learn generalizable temporal abstractions that can help in an agent in continual learning setup.

3DSP Variance Penalized On-Policy and Off-Policy Actor-Critic
Arushi Jain, Gandharv Patil, Ayush Jain, Khimya Khetarpal, Doina Precup
AAAI, 2021
paper / code / talk / slides / poster
3DSP Eligibility Traces for Options
Ayush Jain, Doina Precup
AAMAS, 2018.
3DSP Eligibility Traces for Options
Ayush Jain
Master's thesis, McGill University, 2018.
3DSP Safe Actor-Critic
Arushi Jain, Ayush Jain, Doina Precup
Safety, Risk and Uncertainty in RL Workshop, UAI, 2018.
Women in ML (WiML) Workshop, NeurIPS , 2018.
paper / slides / poster

Source code and style from Jon Barron's website.